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Philadelphia Spinal Cord Injury Lawyers

Spinal Cord Injury Attorneys in Philadelphia, PA

The spinal cord is one of the most important parts of the human body and is responsible for transmitting messages between the brain and the rest of the body. Unfortunately, the spinal cord is also one of the most vulnerable parts of the body. Unlike most of the human body, the spinal cord does not self-repair. This means that spinal cord injuries are permanent, typically incurring widespread and significant long-term effects.

If you suffered a spinal cord injury due to the actions of another person or party, you may be able to collect compensation for the damages you suffered as a result of the incident. Contact the Philadelphia spinal cord injury attorneys at Anapol Weiss now for a free consultation. Spinal cord injuries can happen from criminal assaults, workplace hazards, motor vehicle crashes, defective products, or accidents caused by negligence. If you believe another party is to blame for your spinal cord injury, consult with a reliable personal injury attorney as soon as you can. Some cases may fall under the purview of product liability, premises liability, or workplace safety laws as well.

Suing for Spinal Cord Injuries

To succeed in your lawsuit, you (the plaintiff) must prove that the defendant (the person or party you are suing) was responsible for your injury and that the injury could have been prevented had they acted differently. Typically, proving negligence involves establishing three things in court:

  • The defendant had a duty to act with reasonable care at the time of the incident. For example, this could mean following posted speed limits and traffic signals while driving.
  • The defendant failed to uphold this duty in some way. Following the previous example, this could mean a driver using a cell phone behind the wheel or operating his or her vehicle under the influence of alcohol.
  • Your injuries and damages were the direct result of the incident. In some cases, your attorney will consult with expert witnesses who will attest to your unique situation from the point of view of an expert for the court.

Extent of Spinal Cord Injuries’ Effects

The results of a spinal cord injury depend on which part of the spine was injured. Generally, the higher up on the spine, the more extensive the damage. Damage to the lower spine may cause complications with bowel and bladder control and walking abilities. An injury higher up can leave the victim paralyzed and unable to use his or her legs again. Damage immediately below the skull can completely paralyze the victim, leaving him or her completely immobile and dependent on others for care.

As you can probably guess, spinal cord injuries are some of the most serious wounds a person can suffer and carry a very high risk of permanent damage. In most spinal cord injury cases, the victim can expect impaired mobility to some degree and increased difficulty performing basic tasks like walking, standing, or sitting. It is crucial for spinal cord injury victims to seek immediate medical treatment and explore every option for recovery.

More often than not, the road to recuperation after a spinal cord injury will entail learning to live with a disability. It’s important to note that motor skills aren’t always the only bodily function to suffer from a spinal cord injury. Often, such an injury will impact the victim’s internal processes for things like digestion and bowel and bladder control.

Consult With Experts

Regardless of how your spinal cord injury happened, the road to recovery is difficult – and sometimes full recovery is not an option. A spinal cord injury can potentially end a career and significantly impact the victim’s life in other negative ways. For this reason, consult with a reliable and experienced Philadelphia attorney.

At Anapol Weiss, we believe in providing every client with personalized representation and our full attention. Put our expertise at your disposal by getting in touch with our team and scheduling a free consultation about your spinal cord injury in Philadelphia, PA.